Map design

美 [mæp dɪˈzaɪn]英 [mæp dɪˈzaɪn]
  • 网络地图设计
Map designMap design
  1. A Study of Color Management System for Map Design and Production


  2. Map Design Based on Modern Electronic Technology


  3. Application of Visual Perception Theory on Electronic Map Design


  4. Application of Formal Aesthetics Rule of Picture Composition to Map Design


  5. Electronic Map Design of GPS Vehicle Navigation System


  6. An Automatic Method for Contour Interpolation in Map Design


  7. Dynamic Electronic Map Design to Monitor Change Phenomena


  8. The paper focuses on the map design problem of LBS navigation service .


  9. Optimization methods in statistical map design


  10. Multimedia Situational Teaching of Course for Electronic Map Design


  11. Electronic Map Design by Using Parameterized Template Technology


  12. Discussion on web map design


  13. Interactive Urban Map Design with Template and Parameterization


  14. Main technology of this game is application in Orientation Sensor , Collision theory , Game map design , Render etc.


  15. The integration of computer mapping and the electronic publishing production system changes the traditional procedure of map design and map production .


  16. It includes sketch map design , virtual molding , VRML edit , then makes the last virtual design project .


  17. Spatial information technology can be applied to the whole process of conservation planning including current condition survey , data analysis , thematic map design , etc.


  18. This paper analyses the human-computer interacting characteristics and interface visual elements based on map design theory , GIS , traditional software and Kiosk system .


  19. The most difficult in the orienteering teaching are teaching place selection and teaching course control . Map design is still in the primary stage . 3 .


  20. It has been considered as an important indicator for evaluating the efficiency of map design , map generalization algorithm and the transmission of spatial information .


  21. Determining visualization scope is an important part of map design . And it has a direct impact on the beauty of map and expression of information .


  22. In this paper a new technology and method of parametric design was introduced . The research and discussion of this approach are evolved to the characteristics of resources map design .


  23. Then , an intelligent system ( MAPKEY ) for map design and production is introduced . Its structure , functions , working process and benefits are discussed in detail .


  24. An organic combination thinking in images with abstract thought is the main character of map design expert 's thought . and thinking in images play an important role in map design .


  25. Based on the combination of in colorimetric theories and the practical requirements of map design and production , a CMS was proposed in the article for map color design and separation .


  26. The emergence of electronic mapping has revolutionized the traditional ways of map design and production , replacing the static 2-dimensional representation using a dynamic multi-dimension and virtual visualization .


  27. Finally . by initially inquiring into the relationship between thinking in images and map design expert system , the authors think that it is helpful for the development of map design system to study thinking in images .


  28. The practice and consideration of the reform of surveying course for the speciality of industry general map design etc. in the teaching content and method for adapting the need of speciality training goal in our institute are introduced .


  29. In this paper , the technology and the theory of developing an application system for maintaining the optical cable is issued , including the spatial and attribute data acquisition , digital map design and the technology of developing a system on digital map .


  30. The structure analysis and development strategy of resource exploration map computer-aided design system
